GovTech 100 Selects the Best Companies in Government Related Tech

GovTech 100 Selects the Best Companies in Government Related Tech

Described as an annual list developed and distributed by Government Technology *, GovTech 100 consists of 100 companies “focused on, making a difference in, and selling to state and local government agencies across the United States.” The GovTech list has been ongoing for five years. Most of the companies are situated in the U.S.

Although gov tech usually does not attract the attention like other tech categories, it has increasingly become more prominent as stated by Ben Miller:

“In terms of the headline-grabbing venture capital world, gov tech has not yet arrived. But it has come a long way.”

Last year the govtech market produced “bigger deals, more investment, new companies and many fresh new innovations.” Companies can possibly be considered by GovTech in the future by listed their company through Crunchbase and get in touch.

#govtech100 is GovTech’s Twitter’s hashtag for further assessment and information concerning tech companies relationship with government entities.

* “ is the online portal to Government Technology, a division of e.Republic, Inc. Government Technology and its sister publications are an award-winning family of magazines covering information technology’s role in state and local governments.”

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