82 Percent of Shoppers Plan to Buy Tech on Black Friday Week

Eighty-Two Percent of Shoppers Plan to Buy Tech on Black Friday Week

Although the 2019 Holiday shopping season is relatively short, shoppers will be seeking to buy tech related products, particularly wireless earbuds and streaming content. According to data compiled by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), tech purchases will be dominant for this upcoming Black Friday Week (Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday).

In fact 82% of shoppers “plan to buy tech devices and accessories, ranging from wireless earbuds to streaming service subscriptions.” The 2019 Pre-Black Friday Week Survey estimates the following purchases:

Wireless earbuds/headphones (57%), mobile device cases (46%), video game discs (42%), portable battery chargers (42%), streaming and download services such as Netflix or Spotify (41%), and smartphones (41%).

Another salient fact is that more shoppers will be shopping online, using mobile devices and ordering products using voice technologies such as Siri and Amazon Alexa. The Consumer Technology Association has assessed the following data:

97% will be shopping in-person at brick-and-mortar stores with most planning to shop at a mass merchant such as Walmart or Target.

83% of shoppers plan to shop online using a desktop or laptop computer- up two percentage points over last year.

81% of shoppers will be using a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet- up five percentage points over 2018.

48% of Black Friday Week shoppers say they plan to shop for tech via voice – up nine percentage points – using digital assistants such as Siri or Amazon Alexa, to find and research holiday deals.

See also  Amazon Offering Shipping and Delivery Perks for the Christmas Holiday