Web of Trust Helps Monitor the Web

Web of Trust Helps Monitor the Web

Downloaded by over 140 million users, Web of Trust (WOT) prechecks websites and gives it a specific safety and security rating. Web of Trust “secures you against scams, malware, rogue web stores and dangerous links.” Web of Trust is a free browser add-on and is also available as a mobile app on Google Play.

WOT also includes community ratings and reviews to determine website safety. WOT will not slow your browser like some add-ons. WOT has been around for a while since it was launched on December 3, 2007.

When a questionable website is encountered a safety alert confirmation is displayed to allow website entrance or exit. Search results are also filtered and analyzed. Reputation icons are placed next to links on search engine results, social media platforms, webmail, and other popular sites. Web reputation icons are also place next to a browser’s address bar and represent a site reputation and rating:

Green indicates a safe website, yellow tells you to be cautious, and red indicates potential danger.

Web of Trust gives internet users a clean and safe browsing experience. Find it at Web of Trust.

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