Fuzzbuzz Streamlines Code Debugging

Fuzzbuzz Streamlines Code Debugging

Fuzzbuzz is a platform that tests and detects bugs and vulnerabilities in code with a process called, fuzzing. Fuzzbuzz simplifies DevOps workflow “by automating away complex infrastructure management and setup, and connecting with tools like GitHub, Jira and Slack.”

With Fuzzbuzz writing a fuzz test is as easy as writing a unit test without fighting arduous test harnesses or manual fuzzer configuration. Simple horizontal scaling is another feature of Fuzzbuzz with one click of a button, it essentially distributes tests through as many dedicated instances as you choose.

When bugs are found by Fuzzbuzz, it alerts you “deduplicates and categorizes them to cut out noise and false positives, and allows you to easily analyze them via the web UI.” Fuzzbuzz includes powerful developer tools available on your own machine from the command line permitting you to reproduce, debug and fix bugs.

Fuzzbuzz uses tried and tested technology called AFL’s fuzzing algorithm which is useful for identifying critical bugs and vulnerabilities. Additionally, Fuzzbuzz categorizes bugs and “estimates the severity of bugs, so you can cut through false positives, and focus on the most important problems first.”

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