Google Search Console for Google-friendly Websites and Mobile Apps

Google Search Console for Google-friendly Websites and Mobile Apps

Google Search Console uses data, tools, and diagnostics to help you produce Google-friendly websites and apps. Search Console examines clicks from Google Search, alerts you to critical errors and other problems and determines if Google can understand your content. Search Console is a free tool available for users wanting to improve their websites Google Search importance.

Since website crawl errors can interfere with your page from properly showing up in search results, Google Search Console contains a Crawl Errors report which analyzes site errors, “the main issues for the past 90 days that prevented Googlebot from accessing your entire site” and URL errors, “specific errors Google encountered when trying to crawl specific desktop or phone pages.” Site error types include DNS, server and robots failure errors. URL error types include common URL errors and mobile-only URL errors (Smartphones).

Another concern for website and app owners/managers is how Google crawls or renders a URL on your site. Fetch as Google, part of Google Search Console, helps you solve this problem. Fetch as Google essentially determines whether a “Googlebot can access a page on your site, how it renders the page, and whether any page resources (such as images or scripts) are blocked to Googlebot”. Fetch as Google features run a fetch, request fetch status and resource fetch errors.

Search Analytics Report is also part of Google Search Console. The report how frequent your website appears in Google search results. Google search data is categorized by search query, date, or device:

“The report shows your site’s click count coming from Google search results for the past four weeks.”

The report can be used to improve site performance and viability by determining what searches are made via mobile devices, see which pages have the lowest and highest Google search results click-through rates, search traffic changes over time, search traffic origin, and what search queries are most likely to bring up your site.”

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A new feature has recently been introduced for Google Search Console that automatically, as long as you are a verified owner of a Google Analytics property, will verify your website in Search Console. Now you will no longer manually configure Search Console and Analytics as long as you have met requirements for Search Console ownership.