OpenVPN, a California based software company and proclaimed industry standard for network security by PC magazine, are encouraging small businesses and large enterprises to embrace Private Tunnel VPN which is “powered by our core OpenVPN software and is the only VPN fully supported and backed by our team at OpenVPN.”
Instead of relying on other “free” VPN services, which can actually “infect your device with malware and ad tracking”, the makers of OpenVPN, instead stress their VPN’s “encryption of your data or other protections.” OpenVPN is not only used by consumers, but also large businesses and organizations who trust this VPN technology.
Indeed, with increasing internet based intrusions such as hacking, adware, malware, security breaches and OpenVPN offers software that is highly reliable and safe. This is bolstered by OpenVPN’s usage by top companies and organizations as Google, Tesla, Samsung, HP, IBM, and highly regarded Universities worldwide.