Android P Beta 2 Update Released with Final Android P APIs

Android P Beta 2 Update Released with Final Android P APIs

Android P Beta 2 was released recently and contains the final Android P APIs and the official SDK. Android P Beta’s features include the latest security, performance, and stability features.

Three new Android P Beta 2 machine learning features include Adaptive Battery, App Actions and Slices. Adaptive Battery uses Deep Mind technology to prioritize system resources to more important and used apps. App Actions enhances an app’s ability to gain the users interest at a opportune time using the app’s intents and the user’s context. Slices consist of rich, templated content that appear in Google Search and Assistant.

Support for screens with display cutouts as well as new APIs is achieved through Android P Beta: “Cutout support works seamlessly for apps, with the system managing status bar height to separate your content from the cutout.” Take messaging notifications to a new level with MessagingStyle modifications. You now can show conversations, attach photos and stickers, and produce smart replies.

Security has been streamlined by changes in biometric sensors for authentication. Instead of apps producing their own dialog systems used for authentication, the system-managed dialog for biometric authentication prompting will be the standard. The BiometricPrompt API is now the standard system dialog.

In the audio-visual department, Android P Beta 2 offers new multi-camera APIs which are used to “access streams simultaneously from two or more physical cameras” and a Dynamics Processing API which allows “access to a multi-stage, multi-band dynamics processing effect to modify the audio coming out of Android devices.” So far the only lingering unknown feature is what does the P stand for? 

To get started using Android P Beta 2, if you have a Pixel device, you can enroll your device in the Android Beta program and automatically receive the Android P Beta 2 update. 

See also  Android Studio 2.2 Released

Update: Android has officially named Android P, Android Pie 9.0.