Waze Now Available for Android Auto

Waze Now Available for Android Auto

Android Waze, used to find your vehicle’s “fastest routes and most up-to-date road alerts,” is now available for vehicles that support Android Auto. You can now access Waze through “your vehicle’s in-car display, touch screens, steering wheel buttons, and other console-mounted controls.”

Through your vehicle screen, you can use Waze to find your most common pre-programmed destinations with one tap, use voice command “OK Google” to receive driving instructions, receive visual and audio alerts with zoom capabilities, replicate your personalized Waze experience on your vehicle screen, view your ETA Panel and collaborate with other Wazers by using a visual reporting menu.

To get started with Waze, have both apps (Android Auto and Waze) installed on your Android phone and

“then, connect your phone with a cable to your car USB port, select Waze from the Navigation App footer, and start a drive by entering a location.”

For more information, visit the Android Blog.

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