Jaguar Land Rover and Google Assess Dublin Air Quality With All-Electric I-PACE

Jaguar I-PACE, Image/Jaguar Land Rover

Jaguar I-PACE, Image/Jaguar Land Rover

Jaguar I-PACE becomes Google Street View’s first all-electric vehicle

* Jaguar Land Rover engineers have integrated Google Street View and air quality technology into the award-winning I-PACE

* Google will use the I-PACE to map streets and measure air quality in partnership with Dublin City Council

* ‘Air View Dublin’ launched this month with Jaguar’s all-electric I-PACE collecting data on public roads for 12 months

* As Jaguar Land Rover reimagines its future strategy it is committed to collaborate with industry leaders to enhance sustainability and reduce emissions

* Jaguar Land Rover starts journey to become a net zero carbon business by 2039

See also  Onward and Google Join Forces to Accelerate AI Applications