Google Play Books, the biggest ebookstore in the world, has now made it easier to find books online. Called “Discover”, which is a new Google Play Books feature, produces “a new way to find books by browsing the latest reviews, news, lists, videos and more.” An iOS app, with the feature, will be coming shortly.
Discover’s Google Play Editorial examines favorite author essays, interviews and also includes important selected books from top literary authors. Weekly Highlights is another feature that will determine the latest and most pertinent “news, reviews and videos of the week” for the literary world. Discover will, based on previous reading history, also will produce “the right stories” for your reading enjoyment.
Discover will intuitively surface books to your attention when you are reading an article or watching a video to further investigate or buy the book. The best stories from around the web, is yet another attribute of Discover, which is used to bring currently available “news, reviews, lists, and videos about books from trusted sources around the web, and brings them to readers in an easy to browse way.”