Google Announces Google Photos Storage Policy Change

Google Photos Storage Policy Change, Image/Tech Mainstream

Google Photos Storage Policy Change, Image/Tech Mainstream

In an official Google Photos storage policy change Google has stated:

“We launched Google Photos more than five years ago and since then, it’s become more than just an app to manage your photos. It’s become a place you go when you feel nostalgic and want to reminisce. Today, Google Photos is the home for more than 4 trillion photos and videos, including yours, and a remarkable 28 billion new photos and videos are uploaded every week. In order to welcome even more of your memories and build Google Photos for the future, we are announcing a change to our storage policy.

Starting June 1, 2021, all new photos and videos backed up in High quality and Express quality* will count toward the free 15 GB of storage that comes with your Google account or any additional storage you may have purchased, the same way other Google services like Google Drive and Gmail already do.

All photos and videos you back up in High quality and Express quality before June 1, 2021 are exempt from this change and will not count toward your Google Account storage. This includes all of your existing content uploaded in High quality and Express quality. We don’t take this decision lightly and we acknowledge that this is a big shift, so wanted to let you know well in advance and give you resources to help you navigate this change.”

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