Firefox Monitor Checks for Hacking Activity in Personal Accounts

Firefox Monitor Checks for Hacking Activity in Personal Accounts

With the increasing amount of data breaches, hacking activities and other similar activities, what should a tech user do? One helpful tool for determining whether your personal data has been subject to hacking is Firefox Monitor. When you sign up for Firefox Monitor, “you’ll get a full report on your compromised accounts and notifications any time your accounts appear in new data breaches.”

With Firefox Monitor, you can “find out what hackers already know about you” by entering your email address for a basic scan to keep your personal information, safe. According to Firefox, your email address will not be stored by Firefox Monitor.

There is also password protection advice on the same website such as, use a different password for every account, create strong passwords, treat security questions like extra passwords, use a password manager, use two-factor authentication and sign up for alerts from Firefox Monitor. A tool similar to Firefox Monitor is available for the Chrome browser.

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