Learn about DDoS with the Distributed Denial of Service Trends Report

Learn about DDoS with the Distributed Denial of Service Trends Report

Verisign a leader in domain name services and security solutions has determined in their free eBook, Distributed Denial of Service Trends Report, that Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks were on the rise for Q1 2018- January-March 2018. The report can summed up as follows:

“The observations and insights derived from mitigations enacted on behalf of, and in cooperation with, customers of Verisign DDoS Protection Services.”

Verisign confirmed a 53 percent increase in DDoS attacks in Q4 2018. Average of attack peak sizes also increased by 47 percent. Another salient statistic concerns 67 percent of customers were targeted multiple times during the quarter, Q1 2018. 74 percent of DDoS attacks were over 1 Gbps

Other significant facts about DDoS attacks are 58 percent of attacks employed two or more attack types, multi-vector attacks are the norm and financial services is the more frequently attacked industry. A Q1 2018: DDoS Trends Infographic is also available for download. Indeed, DDoS attacks remain “a real threat for organizations and they cannot afford to be complacent.”

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