Vivaldi Browser Unites with DuckDuckGo Search Engine for More Private Browsing

DuckDuckGo Search, Image/DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo Search, Image/DuckDuckGo

Vivaldi private window browsing now has the DuckDuckGo search engine set as its default search engine. When you search using DuckDuckGo, your search history is basically not tracked. When using Vivaldi’s private window set with the DuckDuckGo Search engine, then your browsing experience will also be private.

What is browsing in a Private Window exactly? Vivaldi will not store cookies and temporary files while browsing websites. Yet extraneous services also influence privacy while browsing. Choosing a private search engine determines “how ‘private’ your actions actually are.”

The Vivaldi browser privacy standard in action is exemplified by the dictum, “we don’t collect any personal information about Vivaldi users,” particulary since it now integrates one of the more private search engines around.

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