HTC U Ultra is an Esthetically Ultimate Smartphone

HTC U Ultra, Image/HTC

HTC U UltraImage/HTC

“It’s all about U.” That is the dictum describing the HTC U Ultra phablet. The phone’s exterior color is intensified by layered vapored minerals producing multi angle brilliance and depth: “a new, beautifully 3D contoured, liquid surface that’s designed to reflect the best you. Lustrous, symmetrical, curved glass construction reflects light beautifully.”

The HTC U Ultra new HTC Sense Companion learns from you and adapts accordingly over time: “Suggesting you dress warm and leave for work earlier on a snowy day. Or reminding you to charge if it figures you need more power to last until you get home. And even recommending the perfect restaurant when you’re away for the weekend.”

With HTC U Ultra can hear and understand your voice with its own voice recognition system. Even when the phone is asleep, you can “navigate your phone, take or reject calls, snooze or dismiss alarms, and more. Just say the word.”

Dual Display, allows for updates and other important events to be viewed simultaneously alongside your current activity:

“Perfect for fast, convenient access to the things you use the most. Like your favorite contacts, apps, reminders, event notifications and more.”

“Every person’s inner ear is as unique as their fingerprint.” HTC U Sonic sends a sonar-like-pulse into your inner ears and tiny microphones listen to sonic reflection coming from your ears: “Analyzing the reflected tone to optimize the headset just for you. Now you can hear the details you were missing.”

The HTC U Ultra front camera offers both the high resolution 16MP- “when you want the biggest shot with the most detail” and unparalleled light sensitivity of UltraPixel- rated the industry’s best. Take even challenging photos with the 12MP UltraPixel main camera which “delivers less blur, faster focus, better photos at night.”

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For further information, visit HTC U Ultra