Android Studio 2.2 Released

Android Studio 2.2 Released

Android has released its latest development IDE, Android Studio 2.2. Twenty plus features have be added to Android Studio 2.2. This includes the following advancements, “from designing UIs with the new constraint layout, to developing C++ code with the Android NDK, to building with the latest Jack compliers, to creating Espresso test cases for your app, Android Studio 2.2 is the update you do not want to miss.””

In the design area, Android Studio’s new blueprint mode along with the new properties panel, helps make UI design a snap. With constraint layout, you can “create dynamic user interfaces without nesting multiple layouts.”

New development enhancements include improved C++ support. This includes using “CMake or ndk-build to compile your C++ projects from Gradle.” Also included is C++ bug fixes. Another development plus is the Android sample code feature available in the code editor window used to “jump start” code projects.

In the build department, Android Studio 2.2’s Instant Run, has purportedly introduced more stability and reliability improvements and has lived up to its “fast and lightweight” reputation. With APK Analyzer, component size is easily determined and multi-dex problems are readily assessed. Two versions of an APK can be analyzed. Build speeds are quicker with the new experimental build cache- by adding one line of code to gradle.

For testing purposes, Android virtual sensors in its emulator can test Android Sensors such as Accelerometer, Ambient Temperature, Magnetometer and more. With Espresso Test Recorder, you produce a saved recording app scenario(s) which is later generated into a corresponding UI test. Later you can run the test locally or use Firebase Test Lab for Android.

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Finally, a GPU Debugger can “now capture a stream of OpenGL ES commands on your Android device and then replay it from inside Android Studio for analysis.” Another addition is the ability to analyze any OpenGL ES command for debugging graphics.