Lenovo's New PC Manufacturing Process- the Low Temperature Solder (LTS) Process

Lenovo’s New PC Manufacturing Process- the Low Temperature Solder (LTS) Process

For the last ten years, PC makers have been using the tin-based solder process, instead of the former lead-based process due to environmental concerns. Yet since the current tin-based process requires “extremely high temperatures consuming more energy and adding significant stress on components,” an improved process was needed. Recently, Lenovo “announced a new patent-pending Low…

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Worldwide PC Shipments Slowed in 2016

Worldwide PC Shipments Slowed in 2016

Gartner, Inc. recently announced that since 2012, PC shipments have steadily decreased annually. In the year 2016, a total of 269.7 million PC units were shipped, a 6.2 percent decrease from the previous year, 2015. In the fourth quarter of 2016, a decrease of 72.6 million PC units were shipped worldwide, which is a 3.7 percent decline in…

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H&R Block and IBM Collaborate on the Tax Preparation Process

H&R Block and IBM Collaborate on the Tax Preparation Process

H&R Block is uniting with IBM’s Watson* to produce “a new, exclusive, consumer-facing experience,” altering the current 60 year old category. The move “represents the first time Watson will be applied to tax preparation, enabling millions of filers to benefit from the industry-leading expertise of H&R Block’s tax professionals, who will now partner with Watson to…

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Oracle Buys Apiary

Oracle Buys Apiary

The Oracle and Apiary combination will create “the most comprehensive API integration cloud by adding the leading API design and governance solution.” A united Oracle and Apiary will improve performance of companies in the digital economy by “managing connectivity complexity and API proliferation.” A key, “pioneering” Apiary product, called API flow, which “provides the framework and tools…

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The 2017 Digital Edge 50 Awards

The 2017 Digital Edge 50 Awards

The 2017 Digital Edge 50 award winners were recently announced and will be honored at the AGENDA17 conference March 20-22, 2017, at Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. The conference is produced by leading media company, IDG Enterprise, which consists of CIO, Computerworld, CSO, InfoWorld, ITworld and Network World. In an official statement, the scope of the…

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