Gartner Announces Top Ten Strategic Technology Trends for 2019

10 Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2019 According to Gartner

Available as a free download, Gartner’s recently released its Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2019. The guide offers instruction that will drive impact and disruption this year. It also explains what principles business leaders must adopt to become technology innovation leaders: They ultimately should “evaluate these top trends to identify opportunities, counter threats and create…

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Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends in 2018 for Companies to Follow in the Future

10 Top Strategic Technology Trends in 2018 for Companies to Follow in the Future

Gartner recently released its top ten technology trends for 2018. The trends will have “significant disruptive potential” for the next five years. Gartner released these findings for companies to recognize the changing future of technology and how they should prepare accordingly: “Companies must examine their business impacts and adjust business models and operations appropriately or risk losing competitive…

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Worldwide PC Shipments Slowed in 2016

Worldwide PC Shipments Slowed in 2016

Gartner, Inc. recently announced that since 2012, PC shipments have steadily decreased annually. In the year 2016, a total of 269.7 million PC units were shipped, a 6.2 percent decrease from the previous year, 2015. In the fourth quarter of 2016, a decrease of 72.6 million PC units were shipped worldwide, which is a 3.7 percent decline in…

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