Looking for a More Private Web Browser?

Looking for a More Private Web Browser

If you are searching for a more private browsing experience here are few alternative suggestions namely, Apple Safari, Brave, Mozilla Firefox and Vivaldi. Apple Safari includes intelligent tracking prevention, private browsing, sandboxing for websites and protection from harmful sites. Using machine learning, Safari “identify advertisers and others who track your online behavior, and removes the cross…

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New Survey Finds Shift in Cybersecurity and Privacy Issues Among Executives

New Survey Finds Shift in Cybersecurity and Privacy Issues Among Executives

The Global State of Information Security Survey 2017 was recently conducted by PwC US, CIO and CSO to examine how executives are attempting to manage cybersecurity threats and attain competitive advantages. The emphasis is on how forward-thinking organizations are investing in cybersecurity and privacy technology that “can facilitate business growth and foster innovation. Among the highlights of the…

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