What is Web3 and Why is It Important

What is Web3 and Why is It Important

There are many definitions appearing across the internet today defining Web3. According to the official Web3 Foundation website, web3 is defined from the following statements: “Our mission is to nurture cutting-edge applications for decentralized web software protocols. Our passion is delivering Web 3.0, a decentralized and fair internet where users control their own data, identity and…

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In Partnership with Stellar and KlickEx Group, IBM Announces Major Blockchain Solution

In Partnership with Stellar and KlickEx Group, IBM Announces Major Blockchain Solution

IBM (NYSE: IBM) recently announced a new blockchain banking solution designed to speed global transactions and decrease the cost of universal cross-border payments. The collaboration is intended for banks to both clear and settle payment transactions on a single network in near real time. Usually these transactions take days or weeks to complete. Typically, international payments can…

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